Download the latest version of Lychee Slicer for Filament & Resin 3D Printers

The current version of the software is available on Lychee Slicer’s official website for Windows x64, Mac and Linux (Debian and App Img).
Lychee is more than just a slicer. You can join us on our Discord server to be part of the journey. Joining the Discord server will provide you with exclusive content, such as contests, reviews, help from other experimented users, but it will also give you access to the latest betas, and try new features.
Downloading, installing and using the Beta version will allow you to test and use new features. This is an important step in software development as we ask you in exchange, to give us feedback on those new features, and furthermore, about eventual bugs, that way, it will help us delivering a bug-free cutting-edge slicer.
Jump in ! (link to the Discord server)
Previous versions are available for legacy (3.7.1, 4.1, 5.1.8, 5.2, 5.4.0)
Last updated on
Tags: Account, Download, FDM, Free, Install, Linux, Mac, Premium, Pro, Resin, Win, Windows